Beer Choir Public Events

Bring a beer choir event to your community!

Things to know!

  • We need a good sized venue. Many of our Chapters have 50-150 people attend, and in the Twin Cities, we have about 150-300 people show up to Beer Choir on a regular basis.

  • There is no "choir" in the traditional sense - when you walk into a venue, you become a part of the Beer Choir! Our main goal is to get people singing, drinking, and having fun with one another.

  • We’re committed to our public events being completely FREE to attendees and open to all.

  • Some of our Chapters do fees from venues to bring Beer Choir to your space. Those fees vary by Chapter, so let us know where your venue is located in the form below, and we can let you know what our standard rates for your area are.

  • If you want more information on Beer Choir and to see what it's like in action, watch this great video put together by TPT Originals all about Beer Choir!

Fill out the Event Inquiry form below and we’ll be in touch!